Curriculum Vitae

David Paul Mascotti

January 6, 2024

lab: (216) 397-4216
fax: (216) 397-1791
Department of Chemistry
John Carroll University
1 John Carroll Blvd.
University Heights, OH 44118


         Ph.D. in Biochemistry, 1992 Texas A&M University, College Station, TX
         B.S. in Chemistry, 1986 Hope College, Holland, MI 

Research and Teaching Positions

2010-present  Professor, John Carroll University, University Heights, OH
Interactions of Biological Molecules, Regulation of Gene Expression and Transfer
2004-2010 Associate Professor, John Carroll University, University Heights, OH
Interactions of Biological Molecules and Regulation of Gene Expression
2005-2009  Chair, Department of Chemistry, John Carroll University, University Heights, OH
1998-present  Assistant Professor, John Carroll University, University Heights, OH
Interactions of Biological Molecules and Regulation of Gene Expression
          1996-1998   Assistant Professor, Richard Stockton College, Pomona, NJ
Interactions of Biological Macromolecules         
1992-1996 Post-doctoral Research Associate, Washington University, St. Louis, MO
Mentor - Dr. Robert E. Thach
          Characterization of Factors Affecting Translation of Ferritin mRNA
1986-1992 Graduate Research Assistant, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX
Mentor - Dr. Timothy M. Lohman
          Thermodynamic Characterization of the Interaction of Positively Charged Peptides with Nucleic Acids
1985-1986 Independent Research, Hope College, Holland, MI
Mentor - Dr. Rodney F. Boyer 
          Characterization of the Ferroxidase Activities of Polyphenol Oxidase (Tyrosinase) and Ferritin from Phaseolus vulgaris


2019 U.S. Department of Justice, National Institute of Justice Certificate in STR Data Analysis and Interpretation for Forensic Analysts

2019 U.S. Department of Justice, National Institute of Justice Certificate in Forensic DNA for Officers of the Court


Courses Taught

Biochemistry I, II, and III
General Biochemistry
Biochemistry Laboratory
General Chemistry I & II
General Chemistry Laboratory
Molecular Methods Laboratory
Informed Health Decisions
Jazz History & Analysis
Introduction to Entrepreneurship
Finance and Acconting for Entrepreneurs
Introduction to Pharmacy
First Year Seminar


Biophysical Society
Project Kaleidoscope
Sigma Xi

Honors, Awards & Grants         

2009-present Faculty Fellow in Entrepreneurship at JCU

2008-2012  Howard Hughes Medical Institute Undergraduate Science Education Program - Colleges 2008, $939,781 (denied)         

2004-2007  Nominated for a Henry Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Award: "Interactions of the Antioxidant Protein, Manganese Superoxide Dismutase, with DNA," ($60,000) (denied)         

2004-2006 Henry Luce Foundation (co-author) Clare Booth Luce Award ($137,822) for two undergraduate scholarships         

Fall Semester 2003, Grauel Faculty Fellowship (Sabbatical) at John Carroll University         

2002 Heuer Award for Outstanding Achievement in Undergraduate Science Education (co-author) ($10,000)          

2001 NSF MRI Award for "Acquisition of ITC and DSC Calorimeters" ($97,378)          

2001 Henry Dreyfus Special Award in Chemistry (co-PI) for "Integration of Fluorescence Spectroscopy into Undergraduate Curriculum" ($20,000)         

2001 Inducted into Project Kaleidoscope (PKAL) Faculty for the 21st Century         

2000-2003 NSF REU Award (co-PI) for an "REU Site in Chemistry" ($137,061)          

2000 Nominated for a Henry Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Award (denied)          

2000-2002 Henry Luce Foundation (co-author) Clare Booth Luce Award ($101,606) for two undergraduate scholarships          

1998-2002 Cottrell College Science Award (Sponsored by Bristol-Myers Squibb), $32,484          

1993-1996 National Institutes of Health (NIDDK) Post-Doctoral Fellowship          

1986-1987 Lechner Graduate Fellowship Texas A&M University          

1986 Sigma Xi Undergraduate Research Award Hope College, Holland, MI          

1983-1986 Almon T. & Harriet M. Godfrey Scholarship Hope College, Holland, MI

1982-1983 Michigan Competitive Academic Scholarship Ferris State College, Big Rapids, MI

Presentations by me and/or my students and collaborators (presenter = *)

87- April 8, 2024, Annual DISCOVER day, John Carroll University,*Lauren Smith, Kimberly Blake, Paige Griffith and David Mascotti, “Investigation of Manganese Superoxide Dismutase”. (poster)

86- May 3, 2023, John Carroll University Chemistry Department Semina, *Mia Bizjak and David Mascotti, “Exploration of Manganese Superoxide Dismutase”. (seminar)

85-April 2023, Annual A Celebration of Scholarship, John Carroll University, *Luke Henrich and David Mascotti, "Exploring Advanced Methods to Enhance the Bioactivity and Health Benefits of Curcumin " (video presentation)

84- April 2022, Annual A Celebration of Scholarship, John Carroll University,*Madison DeTullio and David Mascotti, "Purification and Evaluation of Manganese Superoxide Dismutase " (video presentation)

83- Glucosinolate accumulation in response to water availability in wildland mustard species. *Reicholf, R, Sanchez Alvarez, A, Matesanz, S, Mascotti, DP, Drenovsky, R, Botany 2021 Virtual Conference. (Poster P2PE005, abstract #627, July 20, 2021)

82- April 11, 2016, Annual A Celebration of Scholarship, John Carroll University,*Brandon Parr, Ellen Piccillo, David Mascotti, Esteban Celis, M.D . , Ph.D., Augusta University. , "Binding Properties of Peptide (RRWRRRRRRAAATAPDNLGYM) with Poly - IC" (poster)

81- October 19, 2012, Rustbelt RNA Meeting, Datyon,, Ohio, Katharine E. Stahon,* Stephanie Clack, Michael P. Martin & David P. Mascotti, "Kinetic Analysis of T7 RNA Polymerase from Novel DNA Templates " (poster)

80 - March 28, 2011, Tenth Annual A Celebration of Scholarship, John Carroll University, Stephanie Clack,* , Tanya Lahood, Oksana Kozlovskaya, Raymond Chahoud, Michael P. Martin & David P. Mascotti, "Comparison of Transcription using Short Single, Double, and Snapback DNA Templates" (poster)

79- March 28, 2011, Tenth Annual A Celebration of Scholarship, John Carroll University, Elizabeth Lewis,* , Ryan Schoonmaker & David P. Mascotti, "Interactions of Human Superoxide Dismutase 2 with RNA " (poster)

78- September 26, 2011, Rustbelt RNA Meeting, Dayton, Ohio, Stephanie Clack,* , Tanya Lahood, Oksana Kozlovskaya, Michael P. Martin & David P. Mascotti, "Comparison of Transcription using Short Single, Double, and Snapback DNA Templates" (poster)

77- September 26, 2011, Rustbelt RNA Meeting, Dayton,, Ohio, Elizabeth Lewis,* , Ryan Schoonmaker & David P. Mascotti, "Interactions of Human Superoxide Dismutase 2 with RNA " (poster)

76 - March 25, 2010, Ninth Annual A Celebration of Scholarship, John Carroll University, *James M. Hiznay,: Mark J. Waner & David P. Mascotti, Chemistry, “Fluorimetric Evidence for Structural Cooperativity in the Binding of Biotin to Streptavidin” (poster)

75 - March 25, 2009, Eighth Annual A Celebration of Scholarship, John Carroll University, *William E. Patton,: Mark J. Waner & David P. Mascotti, Chemistry, “Evidence for Structural Cooperativity in the Binding of Biotin by Streptavidin” (poster)

74 - March 25, 2009, Eighth Annual A Celebration of Scholarship, John Carroll University, *Emily Tillmaand, Lana Bengez, Iteen Cheng, & David P. Mascotti, Chemistry, "Nucleotide binding specificity of E. coli Manganese Superoxide Dismutase " (poster)

73 - March 25, 2009, Eighth Annual A Celebration of Scholarship, John Carroll University, *Iteen Cheng, Lana Bengez, & David P. Mascotti, Chemistry, “Thermodynamic Characterization of E. coli Manganese Superoxide Dismutase binding to single- and double-stranded polynucleic acids” (poster)

72 - October 17, 2008, Rustbelt RNA Meeting, Deer Creek, Ohio, Emily Tillmaand,* Lana Bengez,* Iteen Cheng,* & David P. Mascotti, "Nucleotide binding specificity of E. coli Manganese Superoxide Dismutase" (poster)

71 - March 13, 2008, Seventh Annual A Celebration of Scholarship, John Carroll University, Charles Ponyik*, Mark J. Waner and David P. Mascotti, "Is the Binding of Biotin to Streptavidin Cooperative?" (poster)

70 - March 13, 2008, Seventh Annual A Celebration of Scholarship, John Carroll University, Lana Bengex*, Iteen Cheng*, Angela Smolik and David P. Mascotti, "Thermodynamic Characterization of Manganese Superoxide Dismutase Binding to Single- and Double-stranded Nucleic Acids." (poster)

69 - March 13, 2008, Seventh Annual A Celebration of Scholarship, John Carroll University, Tania Lahood*, Michael P. Martin and David P. Mascotti, "Transcription Assays using Short Single, Double, and Hairpin Loop Templates." (poster)

68 - February 5, 2008, 52nd Annual Biophysical Society Meeting in Long Beach, CA, Ohio, Lana Bengez,* Iteen Cheng, Angela C. Smolik, & David P. Mascotti*, "Thermodynamic Characterization of Manganese Superoxide Dismutase Binding to Single- and Double-stranded Nucleic Acids." (poster)

67 - October 19, 2007, Rustbelt RNA Meeting, Deer Creek, Ohio, Lana Bengez,* Iteen Cheng,* Angela C. Smolik, & David P. Mascotti, "Thermodynamic Characterization of Manganese Superoxide Dismutase Binding to Single- and Double-stranded Nucleic Acids." (poster)

66 - October 21, 2006, Rustbelt RNA Meeting, Deer Creek, Ohio, Lana Bengez,* Angela C. Smolik, & David P. Mascotti, "Preferential Binding of Manganese Superoxide Dismutase to Single-stranded Nucleic Acids." (poster)

65 - March 22, 2006, Fifth Annual A Celebration of Scholarship, John Carroll University, Megan Mamolen* and David P. Mascotti, "siRNA" (poster)

64 - March 22, 2006, Fifth Annual A Celebration of Scholarship, John Carroll University, Robert J. Kall,* Michael Iannetti* and David P. Mascotti, "Effect of Ethanol as a Cosolvent on Charged Peptide Interactions with RNA." (poster)

63 - March 22, 2006, Fifth Annual A Celebration of Scholarship, John Carroll University, Mark J. Waner, Anthony Mustovich,* Seema Patel* and David P. Mascotti Intrinsic Tryptophan Fluorescence as a Structural Probe of the Streptavidin-Biotin System" (poster)

62 - October 28, 2005, Rustbelt RNA Meeting, Deer Creek, Ohio, Angela C. Smolik,* Stephanie C. Hovan, David P. Mascotti, "Interactions of MnSOD with Single Stranded RNA using Fluorescence Spectroscopy." (poster)

61 - October 28, 2005, Rustbelt RNA Meeting, Deer Creek, Ohio, David P. Mascotti,* Robert J. Kall, Michael P. Iannetti, "Effect of Ethanol as a Cosolvent on Charged Peptide Interactions with RNA." (poster) 

60 - March 16, 2005, University of Akron, Department of Chemistry, David P. Mascotti* "Reversibility of Thermal Denaturation of Streptavidin in the Presence of SDS" (invited seminar)

59 - March 16, 2005, Fourth Annual A Celebration of Scholarship, John Carroll University, Seema Patel,* Anthony Mustovich, David P. Mascotti and Mark J. Waner, “Binding of Urea to Streptavidin: Let's Get Specific!” (poster)

58 - March 16, 2005, Fourth Annual A Celebration of Scholarship, John Carroll University, Joshua D. Czerwinski,* Stephanie C. Hovan* and David P. Mascotti, “Quantitative Nonisotopic Nitrocellulose Filter Binding Assays: Bacterial Manganese Superoxide Dismutase-DNA Interactions.” (poster)

57 - March 16, 2005, Fourth Annual A Celebration of Scholarship, John Carroll University, Zachary Coleman,* David P. Mascotti, and Mark J. Waner, “ Streptavidin Stability under Different Denaturing Conditions ” (poster)

56 - March 16, 2005, Copernicus Therapeutics, Cleveland, OH, David P. Mascotti* "Interactions of Charged Peptides with Polynucleic Acids" (invited seminar)

55 - March 25, 2004, Third Annual A Celebration of Scholarship, John Carroll University, Joshua D. Czerwinski* and David P. Mascotti, “Chemiluminescent Nitrocellulose Filter Binding Assays: SOD/DNA Interaction as an Example.” (poster)

54 - March 17, 2004, ACS Meeting in Miniature, Cleveland Section, Joshua D. Czerwinski* and David P. Mascotti, " Chemiluminescent Nitrocellulose Filter Binding Assays: SOD/DNA Interaction as an Example. " (seminar)

53 - February 18, 2004, 48th Annual Biophysical Society Meeting in Baltimore, MD. Joshua D. Czerwinski* and David P. Mascotti presented a poster entitled " Chemiluminescent Nitrocellulose Filter Binding Assays: SOD/DNA Interaction as an Example ."

52 - October 31, 2003, Rustbelt RNA Meeting, Deer Creek Park (Ohio University Sponsor), I presented (Joshua Czerwinski* co-author) presented a poster entitled "Quantitative Non-Isotopic Nitrocellulose Filter Binding Assays:  Bacterial MnSOD-DNA Interactions"

51 - May 31, 2003, 35th Great Lakes Regional ACS Meeting, Loyola University in Chicago, Mark J. Waner (David P. Mascotti, co-author) presented "Reversibility of Thermal Denaturation of Streptavidin in the Presence of SDS. (seminar) 

50 - March 24, 2003, The 225th ACS National Meeting, New Orleans, LA, Rachel T. Finley (Saint Mary's College)* and David P. Mascotti presented "Determination of the equilibrium affinity for IRP1 binding IRE" (poster)

49 - March 24, 2003, The 225th ACS National Meeting, New Orleans, LA, David P. Mascotti and Michael P. Iannetti (Youngstown State University)* presented "Effect of Alcohol-containing Cosolvents on Charged Peptide Interactions" (poster)

48 - November 2, 2002, Rustbelt RNA Meeting, Deer Creek Park (Ohio University Sponsor), I presented (Rachel T. Finley* & Laureen M. Lenchak* co-authors) presented a seminar entitled "Thermodynamics of Iron Responsive Protein 1 with the Ferritin Light Chain Iron Responsive Element"

47 - July 24, 2002, REU Undergraduate Research Poster Session, Kent State University, OH. Rachel Finley (St. Mary’s College, IN)* and David P. Mascotti, “Determination of the Equilibrium Affinity for IRP1 binding to IRE.” (poster)

46 - July 24, 2002, REU Undergraduate Research Poster Session, Kent State University, OH. Michael Iannetti (Youngstown State University, OH)* and David P. Mascotti, “Effect of Alcohol-containing Cosolvents on Charged Peptide Interactions with RNA.” (poster)

45 - July 24, 2002, REU Undergraduate Research Poster Session, Kent State University, OH. E. Davis Oldham* and David P. Mascotti, “Thermodynamics of Streptavidin.” (poster)

44 - April 18, 2002, Council on Undergraduate Research Posters on The Hill, Washington, D.C., Laureen M. Lenchak* and David P. Mascotti, “Quantitation of the Thermodynamic Equilibrium Constant for the Interaction of IRP1 and IRE.” (poster)

43 - April 11, 2002, Fourth Annual Hathaway Brown School Student Research Symposium and Poster Session in Shaker Heights, OH. Elisa Jones* and David P. Mascotti, "Creating Deletion Mutants of Ferritin mRNA." (poster) (Note: EJ is a high school student at Hathaway Brown.)

42 - April 11, 2002, Fourth Annual Hathaway Brown School Student Research Symposium and Poster Session in Shaker Heights, OH. Batool Zaidi* and David P. Mascotti, "Inquiry into the Regulation of Ferritin Translation: The Deletion of a Potentially Critical Sequence." (poster) (Note: BZ is a high school student at Hathaway Brown.)  

41 - March 19, 2002, A Celebration of Scholarship, John Carroll University, James Bellar*, David P. Mascotti, and David E. Ewing, “Determination of Cosolvent Effects on Peptide/Nucleotide Interactions.” (poster)

40 - March 19, 2002, A Celebration of Scholarship, John Carroll University, Laureen M. Lenchak* and David P. Mascotti, “Quantitative Determination of the Thermodynamic Equilibrium Constant for the Interaction of the Iron Responsive Protein-1 with the Iron Responsive Element.” (poster)

39 - March 13, 2002, ACS Meeting in Miniature, Cleveland Section, James Bellar*, David P. Mascotti, and David W. Ewing, "Determining the Effects of Cosolvents on Peptide-Nucleotide Interactions" (seminar)

38 - November 15, 2001; Fall Science and Mathematics Research Poster Session, John Carroll University, Amanda Bain (College of Wooster),* David P. Mascotti, and Mark J. Waner presented a poster entitled "Identifying the Heterogeneity in Commercial Preparations of Streptavidin Using Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis (PAGE)."

37 - November 15, 2001; Fall Science and Mathematics Research Poster Session, John Carroll University, Michelle A. Ojemuyiwa* and David P. Mascotti presented a poster entitled "Protein mRNA Interaction and Ferritin Expression."

36 - November 15, 2001; Fall Science and Mathematics Research Poster Session, John Carroll University, James Bellar,* David W. Ewing and David P. Mascotti presented a poster entitled "Determining the Effect of Cosolvents on Peptide-Nucleotide Interactions."

35 - November 15, 2001; Fall Science and Mathematics Research Poster Session, John Carroll University, Kimberly Korwek (Hiram College)* and David P. Mascotti presented a poster entitled "Translation Regulation of Ferritin Expression in vivo."

34 - November 15, 2001; Fall Science and Mathematics Research Poster Session, John Carroll University, Laureen M. Lenchak* and David P. Mascotti presented a poster entitled "Quantitative Determination of the Thermodynamic Equilibrium Constant for the Interaction of IRP1 and IRE."

33 - November 15, 2001; Fall Science and Mathematics Research Poster Session, John Carroll University, Michelle A. Ojemuyiwa (Fisk University)* and David P. Mascotti presented a poster entitled "Protein mRNA Interaction and Ferritin Expression."

32 - November 2, 2001; Rustbelt RNA Meeting, Deer Creek Park (Ohio University Sponsor), Laureen M. Lenchak* and David P. Mascotti presented a poster entitled "Quantitative Determination of the Thermodynamic Equilibrium Constant for the Interaction of Iron Responsive Protein-1 with the Iron Responsive Element."

31 - July 26, 2001; Ohio-Michigan NSF-REU Undergraduate Research Poster Session, John Carroll University, Amanda Bain* (College of Wooster), David P. Mascotti & Mark J. Waner presented a poster entitled "Identifying the Heterogeneity in Commercial Preparations of Streptavidin Using Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis (PAGE)."

30 - July 26, 2001; Ohio-Michigan NSF-REU Undergraduate Research Poster Session, John Carroll University, James Bellar,* David P. Mascotti & David Ewing presented a poster entitled "Determining the Effect of Cosolvents on Peptide-Nucleotide Interactions." 

29 - July 26, 2001; Ohio-Michigan NSF-REU Undergraduate Research Poster Session, John Carroll University, Kimberly Korwek* (Hiram College), Ormond Brathwaite, and David P. Mascotti presented a poster entitled "Translation Regulation of Ferritin Expression in vivo." 

28 - July 26, 2001; Ohio-Michigan NSF-REU Undergraduate Research Poster Session, John Carroll University, Laureen M. Lenchak,* and David P. Mascotti presented a poster entitled "Quantitative Determination of the Thermodynamic Equilibrium Constant for the Interaction of IRP1 and IRE."

27 - July 26, 2001; Ohio-Michigan NSF-REU Undergraduate Research Poster Session, John Carroll University, Michelle Ojemuyiwa* (Fisk University) and David P. Mascotti presented a poster entitled "Protein mRNA Interactions and Ferritin Expression."

26 - April 17, 2001, Presented Seminar at Case Western Reserve University, Department of Chemistry, "Effects of Solution Variables on Charged Peptide Interactions with RNA"

25 - March, 15, 2001, 15th Annual National Conference on Undergraduate Research, Nga Vu* (University of St. Francis, IN) presented a poster entitled "Determination of Iron Distribution in Living Cells by Atomic Spectrometry."

24 - March 13, 2001; Third Annual Hathaway Brown School Student Research Symposium and Poster Session in Shaker Heights, OH. Elisa Jones* presented a poster entitled "PCR Based Deletions of the Ferritin Gene." (Note: EJ is a high school student at Hathaway Brown.)

23 - March 14, 2001, Seminar at ACS Meeting in Miniature, Cleveland Section, Dimitrios Polyvos*, Mark J. Waner, and David P. Mascotti, "Imaging the Molecular Dimensions of Lysozyme at the Solid/Liquid Interface by Atomic Force Microscopy"

22 - March 14, 2001, Seminar at ACS Meeting in Miniature, Cleveland Section, Irina Navrotskaya*, Mark J. Waner, and David P. Mascotti, "Imaging Streptavidin at the Mica/Water Interface by Atomic Force Microscopy"

21 - November 1, 2000, JCU Fall Science & Mathematics Research Poster Session, Megan Ferringer* (Clarion University, PA) presented a poster entitled "Effects of Osmolarity and Dielectric Constant on Peptide-RNA Interactions."           

20 - November 1, 2000, JCU Fall Science & Mathematics Research Poster Session. Nichole Giannios* presented a poster entitled "Determining Effects of Iron-Starvation on E. coli Promoters Using Green Fluorescent Protein."

19 - November 1, 2000, JCU Fall Science & Mathematics Research Poster Session. Emily Rainey* (College of Wooster, OH) presented a poster entitled "Searching for a Needle in a Haystack - An Effort fo Identify Downstream Binding Proteins on Ferritin mRNA."

18 - November 1, 2000, JCU Fall Science & Mathematics Research Poster Session. Joe Rodgers* presented a poster entitled "Quantitative Dual Membrane Nitrocellulose Filter Binding Assays."

17 - November 1, 2000, JCU Fall Science & Mathematics Research Poster Session. Aisha Syed* (Baldwin-Wallace, OH) presented a poster entitled "Separation and Purification of IRP1 and IRP2."

16 - November 1, 2000, JCU Fall Science & Mathematics Research Poster Session. Nga Vu* (University of St. Francis, IN) presented a poster entitled "Applications of Atomic Spectrophotometric Techniques to the Determination of Iron in Living Cells."

15 - September 27, 2000, Federation of Analytical Chemistry & Spectroscopy Societies (FACSS), Nashville, TN.  Arthur Varnes, Nga Vu* & David Mascotti (University of St. Francis, IN) "Applications of Atomic Spectroscopy in Biochemistry."

14 - August 1, 2000; 16th Biennial Conference on Chemical Educations at University of Michigan, Department of Chemistry, Ann Arbor, MI. Megan Ferringer* (Clarion University, PA) presented a poster entitled "Effects of Osmolarity and Dielectric Constant on Peptide-RNA Interactions."

13 - August 1, 2000; 16th Biennial Conference on Chemical Educations at University of Michigan, Department of Chemistry, Ann Arbor, MI. Nichole Giannios* presented a poster entitled "Determining Effects of Iron-Starvation on E. coli Promoters Using Green Fluorescent Protein."

12 - August 1, 2000; 16th Biennial Conference on Chemical Educations at University of Michigan, Department of Chemistry, Ann Arbor, MI. Emily Rainey* (College of Wooster, OH) presented a poster entitled "Searching for a Needle in a Haystack - An Effort fo Identify Downstream Binding Proteins on Ferritin mRNA."

11 - August 1, 2000; 16th Biennial Conference on Chemical Educations at University of Michigan, Department of Chemistry, Ann Arbor, MI. Joe Rodgers* presented a poster entitled "Quantitative Dual Membrane Nitrocellulose Filter Binding Assays."

10 - August 1, 2000; 16th Biennial Conference on Chemical Educations at University of Michigan, Department of Chemistry, Ann Arbor, MI. Aisha Syed* (Baldwin-Wallace, OH) presented a poster entitled "Separation and Purification of IRP1 and IRP2."

9 - August 1, 2000; 16th Biennial Conference on Chemical Educations at University of Michigan, Department of Chemistry, Ann Arbor, MI. Nga Vu* (University of St. Francis, IN) presented a poster entitled "Applications of Atomic Spectrophotometric Techniques to the Determination of Iron in Living Cells."

8 - March 14, 2000; Second Annual Hathaway Brown School Student Research Symposium and Poster Session in Shaker Heights, OH. Cassi Pittman* and Elisa Jones* presented a poster entitled "PCR Based Deletions of the Ferritin Gene." (Note: Both presenters are high school students at Hathaway Brown.)

7 - March 9, 2000; Gave a seminar at Case Western Reserve University Department of Chemistry entitled "Teaching and Research in Chemistry."

6 - February 15, 2000; 44th Annual Biophysical Society Meeting in New Orleans, LA. Amy A. Salwan* and David P. Mascotti presented a poster entitled "Dependence of the Extent of Ion Association with Polynucleotides and Peptides as a Function of Solution Dielectric."

5 - November 6, 1999; Tenth Annual Argonne Symposium for Undergraduates in Science, Engineering and Mathematics at Argonne National Laboratory, Chicago, Illinois. Joseph T. Rodgers* presented a seminar entitled "Chemiluminescent Electrophoretic Mobility Assays."

4 - July 8, 1999; Fourth Annual I-71 Cell and Molecular Biology Meeting at John Carroll University.  Nathan C. Cevasco* presented a seminar entitled "Bigger than Ferritin?"

3 - July 8, 1999; Fourth Annual I-71 Cell and Molecular Biology Meeting at John Carroll University.  Joseph T. Rodgers* presented a seminar entitled "Chemiluminescent Electrophoretic Mobility Assays."

2 - April 9, 1999; National Council on Undergraduate Research (NCUR) at Rochester, NY.   Jason L. Hennes*, Angelo Barile* & David P. Mascotti, "Agarose-Based Chemiluminescent Electromobility Shift Assays."

1 - February 11, 1999; Presented Seminar at John Carroll University, Department of Biology, "Interactions of Biological Molecules and Regulation of Gene Expression." 

Research Students Mentored:

Current Students (4):

Kimberly Blake, Nicole Decocker, Paige Griffith, William Harvey,

Former Students (John Carroll University, unless otherwise noted) (84):

Amanda Bain (College of Wooster), Angelo Barile, Becca Bartlett, Hillary Bashaw, James Bellar, Lana Bengez, Sara Bolognia (nee' Mark), Scott Brigeman (Gilmour Academy), Patrick Bruss, Nicole Buzalka, Nate Cevasco, Ray Chahoud, Iteen Cheng, Stephanie Clack, Zachary Coleman, Bryan Costin, Jason Czerwinski, Josh Czerwinski, Dylan Ekstrand, Megan Ferringer (Clarion College, PA), Rachel Finley (St. Mary’s College, Indiana), Nicole Giannios, Niki Haag (nee' Kovacs), Jason Hennes, Allyson Heyman, J. Matt Hiznay, Stephanie Hovan, Michael Iannetti (Youngstown State University), Elisa Jones (Bucknell University, previously Hathaway Brown High School), Rob Kall, Sarah Keller, Kim Korwek (Hiram College, OH), Allison Kotonski (Miami U., OH), Oksana Kozlovskaya, Tania Lahood, MacKenzie Lee, Laureen Lenchak, Elizabeth Lewis, Alison Liscoe, Eugene Malinskiy, Megan Mamolen, Kevin Mawby, Mike McDermott, Jackie Nowak, William Patton, Cassi Pittman (Hathaway Brown High School), Michelle Ojemuyiwa (Fisk University, TN), E. Davis Oldham (Lawrence University), Irina Navrotskaya (master's student), Brandon Parr, Ellen Piccillo, Dimitrios Polyvos (master's student), Emily Rainey (College of Wooster, OH), Emily Reger, Joe Rodgers, Amy Salwan, Ryan Schoonmaker, Zel Skrtic, Lauren Smith, Angela Smolik, Adam Squicquero, Katherine Stahon, Keti Sulaj, Aisha Syed (Baldwin-Wallace College, OH), Dan Termine, Ryan Thomas, Emily Tillmaand, Nga Vu (St. Francis College, IN), Batool Zaidi (Hathaway Brown High School)

Former Students (Richard Stockton College of New Jersey) (5)

Jen Keat, Larry Ladia, Ben Lane, Pinky Patel, Jim Sharkey

Former Students (Washington University in St. Louis) (1):

Sona Shah

Other Experience Ongoing:

2023-present, advisor for JCU Health Occupation Organization club
2010-present, Chair/member of Rank & Tenure Committee of Chemistry Department
2009-present, Entrepreneurship Faculty Fellow

2019-2020, advisor for JCU STEMMpreneurship club

2007-2020, advisor for JCU pre-pharmacy club

2007-present, Pre-pharmacy director for JCU

1999-present, Ad hoc reviewer for Analytical Biochemistry, Biochemistry, Biophysical Journal, Biotechniques, and Biomacromolecules

1999-present, Ad hoc reviewer for the NSF

2010-2013, Member of the Academic Planning Task Force working group on New Programs at JCU.

2007-2012, Kahl Chair search committee member

2004-2010, Director of the Huntington/Codrington Summer Research Program at JCU

2001-2012, Co-coordinator of the Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (BCMB) Concentration at JCU


March 16, 2010, Judge at the Northeastern Ohio Science and Engineering Fair (Chemistry, Grades 11-12)
March 17, 2008, Judge at the Northeastern Ohio Science and Engineering Fair (Overall Team Captain, Chemistry, Grades 7-8)
March 15, 2007, Judge at the Northeastern Ohio Science and Engineering Fair (Chemistry, Grades 11-12)

Spring 2007, Reader for Undergraduate Honors Thesis of Clay Petro.

March 15, 2006, Judge at the ACS Meeting in Miniature (Biochemistry)

March 14, 2006, Judge at the Northeastern Ohio Science and Engineering Fair (Chemistry, Grades 11-12)

Fall 2005, Honors Undergraduate Thesis advisor for Megan Mamolen.

Fall 2005, Reader for Undergraduate Honors Thesis of Nina Dambrosio.

2002-2005, member of HPAC at JCU

March 29, 2005, Judge at the Northeastern Ohio Science and Engineering Fair (Chemistry, Grades 11-12)

Fall 2004, Honors Undergraduate Thesis advisor for Joshua Czerwinski.Spring

2004, Reader for Undergraduate Honors Thesis of Lucas C. Reineke.

April 16, 2004,  Judged the Case Western Reserve University Graduate Research Poster Session.

March 17, 2004, Chaired one Biochemistry session at the ACS Meeting in Miniature, Cleveland Section.

March 16, 2004, Judge at the Northeastern Ohio Science and Engineering Fair (Team Leader, Chemistry, Grades 11-12 and Grand Awards Judge)Fall 2003, Reviewed five chapters of "Chemistry" by

Olmsted.May 11-17, 2003, Grand Awards Judge (Teams), Intel International Science and Engineering FairMarch 23, 2003, Judge at the ACS Meeting in Miniature (Biochemistry)

March 11, 2003, Judge at the Northeastern Ohio Science and Engineering Fair (Chemistry, Grades 9-10)

November 1, 2002, Judged posters at the Rustbelt RNA Meeting, Deer Creek Park (Ohio University Sponsor)

Fall 2002, Chair Tenure-track Biochemistry Search Committee

March 12, 2002, Leader Judge of the 9-10 grade Chemistry division at the Northeastern Ohio Science and Engineering Fair

2002-2003, member, Science Task Force at JCUCo-advisor/Master's Thesis Reader for Dimitrios Polyvos and Irina Navrotskaya,

2001 (M.S. in Chemistry)

Fall 2000-spring 2001 Chair Visitor Biochemistry Search CommitteeFall 2000-spring 2001 Chair Tenure-track Biochemistry Search Committee

2001-2002, Member of the Curriculum, Library and Graduate Committees, Department of Chemistry

2001 Reviewer for the Stryer Biochemistry Web Site

March 6, 2001, Judged the 11-12 grade Chemistry division and the Grand Prize at the Northeastern Ohio Science and Engineering Fair

Fall 1999, "Celebrity" player in the Alpha Rho Omega "Dunkin' for Diabetes" charity basketball game            

Fall 1998/Spring 1999, Served on the Tenure-track Analytical Search CommitteeSummer 1999, Master's Thesis Reader for Joseph Redley

Spring 1999, "Celebrity" player in the Alpha Rho Omega "Dunkin' for Diabetes" charity basketball game

Spring 1999, chaired the Visitor Analytical Search Committee

March 9, 1999, Judged the 11-12 grade Chemistry division and the Grand Prize at the Northeastern Ohio Science and Engineering Fair

1999 Contributing reviewer for Voet, Voet, & Pratt, Fundamentals of Biochemistry, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York

1993-1996 Participated each year in the annual East Coast Iron Club meeting which is a round table discussion of the current state of knowledge within the iron metabolism community.          

September 21-22,1998, Attended a meeting at the NIH in Bethesda, MD entitled "Iron: From Current Biochemistry to New Chelator Development Strategies Workshop."

Summer 1998, attended NSF-sponsored Chautauqua Conference on Team-Led Team Learning (PLTL), Philadelphia

1998, Reviewer for Voet, Voet & Pratt, "Fundamentals of Biochemistry" textbook (Wiley).

1987-1990 Student Representative on the Graduate Research Committee in the Department of Biochemistry & Biophysics at Texas A&M University. Responsibilities included input on selection of incoming graduate students and acting as a liaison between the graduate students and faculty.

1987-1988 Graduate Teaching Assistant in Biochemistry at Texas A&M University. Responsibilities included laboratory preparation and supervision as well as creation of lectures to augment laboratory theory.

Research Papers

19- Waner, MJ, Ellis, G, Graeca, M, Ieraci, N, Morell, C, Murphy, A, and Mascotti, DP, 2023. “Avidin Cooperative Allosterism upon Binding Biotin Observed by Differential Changes in Intrinsic Fluorescence” Biochem. Biophys. Reports. 36. p. 101554

18- Waner, MJ, Hiznay, JM, Mustovich, AT, Patton, W, Ponyik, C and Mascotti, DP. 2019. "Streptavidin cooperative allosterism upon binding biotin observed by differential changes in intrinsic fluorescence". Biochem. Biophys. Reports. 17. pp. 127-131. (online link)

17- Savasky, BM, Mascotti, DP, Patel, N, & Rodriguez-Collazo, E. 2018. "Nutrition and Pharmacological Effects on Oxidative Stress in Soft Tissue and Bone Remodeling " J. Nutr. Metab. 2018. 9 pages (online link)

16- Smolik, A.C., Bengez-Pudja, L. & Cheng, I. & Mascotti, D.P.  2014. Characterization of E. coli Manganese Superoxide Dismutase Binding to RNA and DNA." Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Proteins & Proteomics 1844(12): 2251-2256. (.pdf copy)

15-David P. Mascotti & Mark J. Waner.  2010.  Complementary Spectroscopic Assays for Investigating Protein-Ligand Binding: a Project for the Advanced Chemistry Laboratory . Journal of Chemical Education 87.7: 735-38. 

14- Lissemore, J.L., Bayes. J., Calvey, M., Reineke, L., Colagiavanni, A., Tscheiner, M., and Mascotti, D.P. Molecular Biology Reports.  2008 "Green Fluorescent Protein is Superior to Blue Fluorescent Protein as a Quantitative Reporter of Relative Promoter Activity in E. coli."Mol Biol Rep. [2008 Jul 13. Epub ahead of print].

13- Waner, M.J. & Mascotti, D.P.  2008.  A Simple Spectrophotometric Streptavidin-Biotin Binding Assay Utilizing Biotin-4-Fluorescein.  J. Biochem. Biophys. Meth.  70: 873-877.

12- Czerwinski, J.D. Hovan, S.C. & Mascotti, D.P. 2005.  Quantitative Non-Isotopic Nitrocellulose Filter Binding Assays: Bacterial MnSOD-DNA Interactions. Anal Biochem. 336:300-4. (.pdf copy)

11- Waner, M.J., Navrotskaya, I., Bain, A., Oldham, E.D., & Mascotti, D.P.  2004. Thermal and Sodium Dodecylsulfate Induced Transitions of Streptavidin. Biophys. J.87:2701-2713. (.pdf copy)

10- Lissemore, J.L., Jankowski, J.T., Thomas, C.B., Mascotti, D.P., and deHaseth, P.L., 2000. Green Fluorescent Protein as a Quantitative Reporter of Relative Promoter Activity in E. coli. Biotechniques 28: 82-89. (.pdf copy)

9- Rodgers, J.T., Patel, P., Hennes, J.L., Bolognia, S.L. & Mascotti, D.P., 2000. Use of Biotin-labeled RNA for Protein Purification and Agarose-based Chemiluminescent Electromobility Shift Assays. Analyt. Biochem. 277: 254-259. (.pdf copy)

8- Goessling, L.S. Mascotti, D.P. & Thach, R.E., 1998. Involvement of  Heme in the Degradation of Iron-regulatory Protein 2. J. Biol. Chem. 273: 12555-12557. (.pdf copy)

7- Mascotti, D.P. & Lohman, T.M., 1997. Thermodynamics of Oligoarginines Binding to RNA and DNA. Biochemistry 36: 7272-7279. (.pdf copy)

6- Mascotti, D.P. & Lohman, T.M., 1995. Thermodynamics of Heparin-Charged Oligopeptide Interactions. Biochemistry 34: 2908-2915. (pubmed entry)

5- Goessling, L.S., Mascotti, D.P., Bhattacharyya, M., Gang, H. & Thach, R.E., 1994. Irreversible Steps in the Ferritin Synthesis Induction Pathway. J. Biol. Chem. 269: 4343-4348. (.pdf copy)

4- Mascotti, D.P. & Lohman, T.M., 1993. Thermodynamics of Single Stranded Nucleic RNA and DNA Interactions with Oligolysines Containing Tryptophan: Effects of Base Composition. Biochemistry 32: 10568-10579. (pubmed entry)

3- Mascotti, D.P. & Lohman, T.M., 1992. Thermodynamics of Single Stranded RNA Binding to Oligolysines Containing Tryptophan. Biochemistry 31: 8932-8946. (pubmed entry)

2- Mascotti, D.P. & Lohman, T.M., 1990. Thermodynamic Extent of Counterion Release upon Binding Oligolysines to Single-Stranded Nucleic Acids. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 87: 3142- 3146. (.pdf copy)

1- Boyer, R.F., Mascotti, D.P. & Schori, B.E., 1986. Ferroxidase Activity of Mushroom Tyrosinase. Phytochemistry 25: 1281-1283.

Review Articles

6- Mascotti, D.P. 2010. Control of Iron Metabolism. In Principles of Medical Biology, eds. E.E. Bittar & N. Bittar, in press. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.

5- Mascotti, D.P., Goessling, L.S., Rup, D. & Thach, R.E. 1998. Mechanisms for Induction and Rerepression of Ferritin Synthesis. In Metal Ions in Gene Regulation, eds. S. Silver & W.E. Walden, pp. 217-230. New York: Chapman & Hall

4- Mascotti, D.P., Daniels-McQueen, S., Goessling, L.S., Rup, D. & Thach, R.E. 1996. Effects of the Ferritin Open Reading Frame on Translation Induction by Iron. Prog. Nuc. Acids Molec. Biol. 55: 121-133.

3- Mascotti, D.P., Rup, D. & Thach, R.E. 1995. Regulation of Iron Metabolism: Translational Effects Mediated by Iron, Heme and Cytokines. Ann. Rev. Nutr. 15: 239-261. (pubmed entry)

2- Lohman, T.M. & Mascotti, D.P., 1992. Thermodynamics of Ligand-Nucleic Acid Interactions. Meth. Enzymol. 212: 400-424. (.pdf copy)

1- Lohman, T.M. & Mascotti, D.P., 1992. Non-Specific Ligand-DNA Equilibrium Binding Parameters Determined by Fluorescence Methods. Meth. Enzymol. 212: 424-458.

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