AFM Image Gallery
AFM image of Tobacco Mosaic Virus on mica.
AFM image of Streptavidin layer on mica. Note that the center region, which has been
scraped away, was scanned at a high repulsive force.
Line scan from above image of Streptavidin layer on mica.
AFM image of individual Concanavalin A molecules on a mica surface.
Three dimensional rendering of Concanavalin A on mica.
Unfiltered (Left) and Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) filtered (Right) AFM image of freshly
cleaved mica, illustrating lattice scale resolution of AFM.
AFM image of a yeast nuclear pore complex
5 mm (Left) and 2 mm (Right) image
of Lilly pollen.
1 mm (Left) and 0.5 mm (Right) image
of Lilly pollen.