John Carroll University - Department of Chemistry

Mark J. Waner, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Physical Chemistry
Director, Woodrow Wilson Ohio Teaching Fellows Program

    I've been interested in and involved with K-12 science education and outreach since 1994, when I helped develop the Chemistry portion of the Science Theatre program at Michigan State University.  Science Theatre provided free hands-on and demonstration programs designed for K-12 and the general public.  It was initiated and run by graduate students in the sciences.  The original program was developed in physics and won the American Association for the Advancement of Science's 1993 Award for Public Understanding of Science and Technology.  Though I was exposed to science education from childhood (my father recently retired as a H.S. chemistry teacher), this was my first participation, outside of being a student, in K-12 education.   My interests have grown to include numerous presentations, as well as development of courses for pre-service and in-service teachers.  As shown below my interests and experience range from informal to formal delivery of science concepts.

Courses Taught Presentations Interdisciplinary Multimedia Recognition & Related Service

Courses Taught

  • AR 171-171L - Interdisciplinary Science (Early Childhood Licensure program)
  • SI 560 - Science & Technology (Masters in Middle School Science, CMSD-NSF MSP program)

Consulting & Related Activities

2008          Writer, electricity and magnetism chapter for a middle school text book for Holt McDougal.
2008-2009  Facilitator, online professional development course for 6-8th grade science teachers through iDiscovery project at Miami University.
2007           Scientific expert and presenter, series of three online workshops for high school teachers, Education Development Center, Inc.
2006-2009  Planning team member, presenter, Partnering for Success 6-8th grade science professional development program.  Collaboration between Cleveland State University, Case Western Reserve University and John Carroll University.
2005-present  Science fair project mentor, >8 local H.S. and middle school students
2002-present  Presenter, of professional development for K-12 science teachers and science demonstration programs for K-12 students.
2000-2007  Textbook/supplement reviewer, McGraw Hill, Prentice Hall and Thomson-Brooks/Cole.-NSF MSP program)


While at John Carroll University

2010  Waner, M.J. The Nature of Matter: What a Gas , Invited workshop at Science Education Summit at ideaStream, Cleveland, OH Oct. 21.

2010  Panel Discussion of the new Ohio K-12 Science Standards, invited panelist, Science Education Summit at ideaStream, Cleveland, OH Oct. 21.

2007  Waner, M.J. What a Gas!  Getting at the Nature of Science through Data, Demonstration and Historical Context, Invited keynote at Cleveland Regional Council of Science Teachers Fall Conference.

2006  Whitworth, F.A. and Waner, M.J., DNA Analysis laboratory workshop, Forensic Science Teachers Symposium at the Cleveland Museum of Natural History.

2001 - 2008    Waner, M.J. and Nichols, M. (Ruhoff, P. 2000-2001). Polymers: A Hands-on experience, Science Saturday, Shaker Heights Middle School.

2003    Wollyung, K. , Fox, P.G., and Waner, M.J., The Chemistry of the Earth’s Atmosphere and Beyond, Cleveland Regional Council of Science Teachers Fall Conference, Cleveland Botanical Gardens.

2002    Wollyung, K., Kuhns, L. and Waner, M. J.: Rub-A-Dub Chemistry in the Tub: A Hands-on Program, Cleveland Regional Council of Science Teachers Fall Conference, Great Lakes Science Center.

2001    Waner, M.J. What Everyone Should Know About Science: Some Thoughts on Science Literacy, Keynote Address, Bridging Junior High and High School Science, Diocese of Cleveland.

2001    Waner, M.J. Connections Between Chemistry and Biology, Cleveland Regional Council of Science Teachers Fall Conference, Cleveland Museum of Natural History.

2001    Fox, P.G., Waner, M.J. and Kuhns, L. State of the Art Chemistry: A Hands-on Experience, Cleveland Regional Council of Science Teachers Fall Conference, Cleveland Museum of Natural History.


While at Michigan State University

1998    Waner, M.J., Bier, J., Lavine,, G., Martin, R., Marcus, R.S. A Hands-on DNA Workshop for High School Students, American Chemical Society National Meeting, Dallas, TX.

1998    Uzelmeier, C.E. Bercik, D., Lavine, G., Marcus, R.S., Waner, M.J. Science Theatre: A Student Outreach Organization, American Chemical Society National Meeting, Dallas, TX.

1998    Waner, M.J., Brown, E.J. Science Theatre a Resource for the Community, Michigan Science Teachers Association Conference, Detroit, MI.

1997    Marcus, R.S., Uzelmeier, C.E., Waner, M.J. Demonstrations for Outreach, Great Lakes College Chemistry Conference, East Lansing, MI.

1997    Waner, M.J., Wilkinson, C., Snyder, E.J., Dewees, S., Li, J., Duggan-Haas, D.  Light, lasers and optics workshop, CLONLARA National Home School Conference, East Lansing, MI.

1996    Waner, M.J., Miller, C., Uzelmeier, C., Pasco, SPolymers workshop, CLONLARA National Home School Conference, East Lansing, MI.

1996    Gardner, M.T., Miller, C., Waner, M.JGetting your hands into science: presenting science to all ages, Michigan Science Teachers Association Annual Meeting, Lansing, MI.

Interdisciplinary Multimedia

1996    Abbett, W.P., Batch, D., Gardner, M.T., Heese-Peck, A., Snyder, S., Uzelemeier, C., Waner, M.J.  From Stardust to Life: a Cosmic Journey, multimedia planetarium show tracing the history of DNA.  Released internationally in 1998.

In addition to authorship on the script I produced computer animations used in the program.

Recognition & Related Service

2009-10    President, Cleveland Regional Council of Science Teachers (CRCST)

2009     Technical Achievement Award, Cleveland Technical Societies Council.

2006     Lucrezia Culicchia Award for Teaching Excellence, College of Arts & Sciences, John Carroll University.

2006     Excellence in Ohio Education Memorable Educators, Ohio Magazine.

2003 & 2007  Cleveland ACS Salutes to Excellence Award for contributions to National Chemistry Week.

2002     Northern Ohio Live Achievement Awards finalist for Community Service.  For a project that brought Collinwood H.S. teachers and students to JCU to use lab facilities after their labs were destroyed by a fire.

2000-present  Board Member, CRCST.

2000-present  National Chemistry Week Committee, Cleveland Section of the ACS

1998-present  Science Fair Judge, local schools, regional and international

1997-2002       Reviewer of Tested Demonstrations, Journal of Chemical Education

1995-96           Chemistry Director, Science Theatre, Michigan State University

1991-98           Assistant, Chemistry lab competition, Science Olympiad State Finals (East Lansing, MI).

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