Dave's Lab People
...and what they were, and are now, doing (If their name is highlighted, you can click on them to see them.) Visit us on Facebook, too! |
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Current Associates (4):
Kimberly Blake: SOD stuff
Nicole DeCocker: Molecular modeling (collab with Dr. Bruce)
Paige Griffith: SOD stuff
William Harvey: Streptavidin stuff
Former Associates (John Carroll University Undergraduates, unless otherwise noted) (83):
Amanda Bain: Streptavidin stability and effect of denaturants (co-advisor, Mark Waner), graduate of College of Wooster, OH, '03... Pharm. D. grad from Ohio State University... currently still in C-Bus Ohio at tOSU Hospital in managed care... linkedin
Angelo Barile: ferritin genealogy/ RNA binding-site hunter... Successfully completed studies at the American University of the Caribbean on St. Maarten's Island, passed New York boards, completed residency in England, returned to Cleveland, now at Lake Point Medical...
Becca Bartlett : transcription from novel templates... JCU grad 2013 - Ohio State School of Dentistry 2017, Dentist in Columbus OH... linkedin
Hillary Bashaw: peptide-"siRNA" interactions... "graduated again" non-matriculated student at JCU... OSU med graduate of 2011... MS in Healthcare Qualitity and Patient Safety, Northwestern 2018... Nutrition Fellow at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia... linkedin
James Bellar: molecular modeling of peptides and solvent interactions… Graduated Spring 2002... graduated with Pharm. D. from The Ohio State School of Pharmacy - now in Lansing, MI - linkedin
Lana Bengez: Superoxide Dismutase-DNA interactions... 2009 Grad... Graduated PharmD from Midwestern in Phoenix... Worked at CVS... Now at Rodan+Fields and Humana... ..linkedin
Mia Bizjak: SOD2 characterization and sizing optimization... 2023, taking a gap year...
Scott Brigeman: Potassium Glutamate, but that's all I should say about it... graduate of Gilmour Academy (high school) - Duke graduate '15... Neurosurgery resident at Barrow Neurological Institute... linkedin
Patrick Bruss: EBNA1 protein-DNA interactions... grad of U. of Cincinnati Medical School - attending M.D. at Oaklawn Hospital (SWMES)
Nate (Natrium) Cevasco: ferritin fusion protein aggregation studies... Graduate of JCU, 2002... graduated Medical College of Ohio - now at CCF...
Ray Chahoud : siRNA and RNAP-DNA interactions... WVU Med Grad... In Detroit now... linkedin
Iteen Cheng: Superoxide Dismutase-DNA interactions... 2009 Grad... Graduated PhD at CWRU Chemistry... currently field engineer Agilent... linkedin
Stephanie Clack: transcription from novel templates... 2012 grad of JCU - graduated Ph.D. Nursing program at CWRU... Clinical Nurse RN, MN at LakeHealth Hospitals... linkedin
Zach Coleman: Streptavidin stability and effect of denaturants (jointly with Dr. Mark Waner)… graduated spring 2006... grad biology at CSU... now Regional Quality Director at Sherwin-Williams... linkedin
Bryan Costin: literature search assistant, fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) on various macromolecular interactions... synthesis and characterization of phenyl-glucosyl-thiourea... graduate of JCU '03... Grad of Case Medical School - resident at OSU in Opthalmology... ClevelandEyeClinic... Website...
Jason Czerwinski: Superoxide Dismutase-DNA interactions... 2008 grad of JCU...
Josh Czerwinski: determination of the affinity of MnSOD for DNA using a novel binding assay... LECOM School of Medicine - '09...
Megan (Ferringer) Blauvelt : peptide-nucleic acid interactions in order to assess solution effects on electrostatic binding... Graduate of Clarion College, PA, 2001... currently Senior Lab Manager at Interpace Diagnostics... linked in
Nina DiRienzo: SOD2 characterization and sizing optimization, 2023, taking a gap year...
Maddie DiTullio: SOD2 purification and DNA binding characterization
Dylan Ekstrand: SOD2 stuff... JCU grad 2013 - Ohio University School of Osteopathic Medicine grad... DO in Lancaster, OH
Ethan Ekstrand: SOD2 stuff... JCU Grad 2018 - currently at Ohio University Med School Cleveland
Oksana Farro (Kozlovskaya) : transcription from novel templates... grad JCU 2010 - graduated Master's of Anasthesiology at CWRU - now at Southwest General Hospital... linkedin
Rachel Finley: IRP-IRE interactions... SP03 grad of Saint Mary's College (IN)... Analytical Chemist in pharmaceutical research at ComChem Technologies (Semaphore Pharmaceuticals subdivision?) in Indianapolis.
Nichole Giannios: use of Green Fluorescent Protein to identify quantitate bacterial promoter strengths related to iron starvation... graduated spring 2001, Ohio U. School of Osteopathic Medicine - '05 - now at UH Case Med Ctr in Reproductive Endocrinology... linked in
Clara Graves: MnSOD and p53 purification and generally lab sub-director, JCU grad 2021... now in PhD Chemistry program at U of Akron... linkedin
Jacob Hedley: Graduate of 2017 and also MBA '20, MnSOD/p53 stuff... Core Assurance Associate at PwC... linkedin
Luke Henrich: Literature research on p53, SOD2 and impact on mitochondrial function, 2023...
Allyson Heyman: Antioxidant therapy in ASD children... JCU grad... Counselor at Firelands Regional Medical Center... linkedin
Jason Hennes: development of chemiluminescent bandshift assay and novel purification technique of IRP... graduated spring 2000, graduated medical student at Loyola of Chicago (possibly a resident there in anesthesiology?)... linked in
Matt Hiznay : Streptavidin structural and ligand binding studies... grad JCU 2010 - was in U. of Toledo med school - PhD CCF 2020...Senior Clinical Genomics Curator at GenomOncology... Linkedin
Stephanie Hovan: determination of the affinity of MnSOD for DNA using a novel binding assay and fluorescence… graduated spring 2006... was a research technician at Case Western Reserve University... Territory Manager at Salix Pharmaceuticals... linked in
Mike Iannetti: solution experiments on peptide-RNA-solvent interactions... Graduate of Youngstown State University (OH), '03... grad of the Medical School in West Virginia... Program Director Internal Medicine WVU... website...
Kledio Janku, JCU grad '20: p53 purification
Elisa Jones: was cloning deletion mutants of ferritin-luciferase fusions, now funky in vitro transcription stuff/siRNA things... (Graduate of Hathaway Brown School, '03)... 2007 grad of Bucknell University... now in Washington D.C - now back in Cleveland - linked in
Rob Kall: Avidin- and peptide-DNA interactions... graduated spring 2006... (Sherwin-Williams - was a technician but now in the business end (logistics if I remember right)... will eventually own his own company ) Just to indicate the accuracy of my instincts I left that part in written in about 2010 - well today Rob has left Sherwin-Williams to work full time on his own company "Raise the Roof Entertainment"...- linked in
Sarah Keller: novel in vitro transcription studies... post-bac at JCU... U Rochester Med Student - '13... Rheumatologist in Cleveland... linkedin
Stephanie (Kilijanczyk) Trainer: SOD2/P53 - JCU Grad 2019... Registered Behavior Technician... LLA Therapy... linkedin
Kim Korwek: in vivo translational control of ferritin expression (co-advisor, Ormond Brathwaite)... Graduate of Hiram College, OH, '03... Ph.D from Brain Institute at Vanderbilt University.. Manager of Scientific Communications at HCA Healthcare.. linked in.
Allison Kotonski: synthesis of various fluorescent thiourea derivatives... (SP03 graduate of Miami U., OH)
Laureen (Lenchak) Kozan: IRP-IRE interactions… Graduated Spring 2002... graduated with Pharm. D. from The Ohio State School of Pharmacy - Pharmacist with Giant Eagle
Niki Haag (Kovacs): dielectric effects on ionic/polyionic molecular interactions... Graduated Spring 2000, Administrative Assistant at Traver & Bishilany Court Reporting Services...
Tania Lahood: novel in vitro transcription studies... 2008 grad at JCU... PharmD grad LECOM.. Clinical Staff Pharmacist UH... linkedin
Mackenzie Lee: Peptide-siRNA interactions... Cincinnati medical school... linkedin
Claudia Lenhart: SOD2 purification and DNA binding characterization... 2021 JCU... Volunteer for Colorado Vincentian Volunteers linkedin
Elizabeth Lewis: SOD2-DNA interactions... Graduated spring 2012 - teaching at St. Ignatius, CLE... linkedin
Alison Nottingham (Liscoe): literature search assistant... graduate from JCU in SP03, graduate of? the M.S. program in Biology at Cleveland State U. in FA03... 7th & 8th Grade JR High School Science Teacher at Saint Raphael School... linkedin
Sara Mark: purification of Iron Responsive Proteins (IRPs) from rat livers, and quantitation of equilibrium IRP-IRE interactions... M. Ed. degree in June, 1999... Currently teaching Chemistry at Rocky River... linkedin
Eugene Malinskiy: NHP6A-DNA interactions... Graduate of JCU 2008.. Danish Institute for Study Abroad intern - CSU in biomedical engineering- Entrepreneur, CEO/Co-Founder at Lazurite... linked in
Megan Mamolen: peptide-"siRNA" interactions... graduated spring 2006... graduate of the BSTP program at Case University with a Ph.D... Currently faculty at Kent State University... linked in
Kevin Mawby : SOD2 stuff... JCU grad 2014... Sherwin Williams first... Chicago now?...
Mike McDermott: top-secret project (it does involve protein-DNA interactions)... graduated spring 2006... completed the CWRU nurse anesthesiologist program
Alex Mihas: SOD2... Med school now...
Jackie Nowak Guttenberg : Potassium Glutamate, but that's all I can say about it at this point... graduated spring 2006... Pharm. D. grad of OSU '09 - then a residency - Regional Director... linkedin
Michelle Ojemuyiwa: protein-mRNA interactions and ferritin expression… Graduate of Fisk University (TN), 2002... graduate of Indiana University Medical School... linked in
Davis Oldham: Streptavidin stability and effect of denaturants (jointly with Dr. Mark Waner)... graduate of Lawrence University (WI)... Ph.D. in Chemistry at U. Illinois '10... Associate Professor Of Chemistry at University of Mary Washington... linkedin
Irina Navrotskaya: Analysis of streptavidin aggregation. (Main advisor: Dr. Mark Waner)... graduated with M.S. in summer/fall 2001, sixth year graduate student at University of Michigan Chemistry... (homepage)... linkedin
Brandon Parr: SOD2... Medical School in Colorado... Resident now...
William Patton: Streptavidin structural and ligand binding studies... 2009 Grad... third year at tOSU Optometry..
Ellen Piccillo: SOD2/P53... Student at Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences... linkedin
Cassi Pittman Claytor: cloning deletion mutants of ferritin-luciferase fusions... Graduate of Hathaway Brown School, 2001, graduate of Penn?... (Cassi in the News!) linkedin
Dimitrios Polyvos: Atomic force microscopy (AFM) of lysozyme. (Main advisor: Dr. Mark Waner)... graduated with M.S. in spring 2001, graduate of? CMCC College of Chiropractic, Toronto, CA... linkedin
Emily Rainey (Barger): reconstitution of mRNP particles with ferritin mRNA-IRP-unknown protein complexes… project done in collaboration with Dr. Ormond Brathwaite... Graduate of Wooster College, OH, 2002... was a research technician at the NIH in Bethesda MD… now in Cell and Developmental Biology Ph.D. program at U of Michigan (and an oboe player in the Life Sciences Orchestra there) Recently graduated from U-M... linked in
Emily Reger: All kinds of stuff, most of it stuff I don't want to say because some hard-working grad student would steal and publish in a big-time journal, thus scooping us and making us very angry... graduated in 2010 with DVM from Ross University - Veterinary Intern at the Center for Bird and Exotic Animal Medicine.. linkedin.
Joe Rodgers: in vitro protein-RNA interactions, including bandshifts and nitrocellulose filter binding assays... Spent one summer at UC-Santa Cruz in the lab of David Deamer working on DNA and RNA nanosensors… Graduate of Johns Hopkins University PhD program in Cell/Molecular... Post-doc-ed at Harvard University/Dana Farber Cancer Institute, then Stanford... Professor at U. Southern Cal... now Director of Biology at Fountain Therapeutics... linked in
Amy Salwan: electrostatic effects of charged peptide-RNA interactions... graduated spring 2001, grad(?) of the MBA program at JCU...
Amanda Scalise: Superoxide Dismutase-DNA interactions... 2009 Grad... graduated PA school at Arcadia... Now practicing in Columbus, OH
Ryan Schoonmaker: SOD, eukaryotic and bacterial studies... M.S. graduate in Biology and B.S. graduate in Biochemistry at JCU - next step unclear... St. John's Jesuit in Toledo.... Product Manager at Kao Specialties Americas... linkedin
Zel Skrtic: molecular modeling... graduated spring 2001, graduated with Pharm. D. from the Ohio State University in '05 - Vice President and General Manager Specialty Pharmacy, Parkview Hospital at Trellis Rx... linkedin
Lauren Smith: SOD stuff... graduated spring 2024... linkedIn
Angela Smolik: Superoxide Dismutase-DNA interactions... graduated spring 2006, but came back sometimes to help get publications... MBA 2010 from Case Western Reserve University - was at Case Technology Transfer office (Licensing Associate).. Now in Raleigh, NC doing tech transfer.... linked in
Katherine Stahon: SOD2... graduate of CWRU AA Masters program, currently Anasthesiologist Assistant-Certified at Baptist Health Floyd, Louisville, KY
Jacob Steigner: SOD2/P53... graduate 2017... chiropractic school - just graduated!
(Stephen) Jimmy Suhayda: SOD2/P53 - 2019 grad at JCU... Medical Student at Campbell University School of Osteopathic Medicine... linkedin
Keti Sulaj : SOD2 stuff... JCU grad 2013 - Ohio State University PharmD, 2017, ambulatory care at CCF... linkedin
Adam Squicquero: "shadow lab" ... 2007 grad of JCU, grad again MBA 2009, Dental School graduate of OSU, 2013... Currently practices in Bluffton, SC .linked in
Aisha Syed: purification of IRP1 and IRP2 from various sources... project done in collaboration with Dr. Ormond Brathwaite... Graduate of Baldwin-Wallace College, OH... graduated from school in Public Health at Case Western Reserve University... Lives in Toronto, ON, full-time mommy of 2...
Leanne Tang: SOD2/P53 and Salt effects on streptavidin cooperative allosterism - 2019 grad at JCU- now in ESTEEM Masters program at University of Notre Dame (yes, that Notre Dame) Advisory Associate, Customer Solutions at KPMG US...linkedin
Dan Termine: synthesis and purification of RNA and proteins… Baylor College of Medicine, FA03, just finished his Ph..D. in '08... post-doc at Whitehead Institute in Cambridge, MA, now Customer Service Manager at QIAGEN... linkedin
Ryan Thomas: cloning/transfecting region of ferritin downstream induction effect... graduated spring 2000, graduated from Loyola of Chicago School of Medicine... Surgical Oncologist with the MD Anderson Medical Center in Cincinnati, OH...
Emily Tillmaand: Superoxide Dismutase-DNA interactions... grad JCU 2010 - researcher at CCF, graduate of University of Illinois MD/PhD program (Beckman Institute), ...
Nga Vu: analysis of cellular iron distribution by atomic absorption/ICP-MS, in collaboration with Dr. Art Varnes... Graduated from St. Francis College, IN in spring 2001... working as a medical technician in Indiana...
Elizabeth Yirga: p53 purification and DNA-binding assessment... 2021 JCU grad... Clinical Pathology Technician I at Charles River Laboratories linkedin
Batool Zaidi: cloning deletion mutants of ferritin-luciferase fusions... (Graduate of Hathaway Brown School, '03)... graduate of Case Western Reserve University... Ph.D in Molecular Medicine Student '12 and entrepreneur!
Former Students (Richard Stockton College of New Jersey) (5)
Jen Keat... graduated Spring 1998... assembly of protein-RNA complexes and chemiluminescent detection... Whereabouts unknown..
Larry Ladia... molecular modeling... works in Conshohocken, PA for a heart monitor company; married with two kids...
Ben Lane... graduated Spring 1997... Helped during the lean years... Not much accomplished despite hard work... with essentially no funding, helped revive fluorometer that had been diagnosed as dead... Probably a graduate of Kevin Burgess's lab in the Department of Chemistry at Texas A&M University... linked in
Pinky Patel (Parekh)... development of chemiluminescent bandshift assay... Graduate of Stockton's Master's of Physical Therapy program?...
Jim Sharkey... graduated Winter 1997... helped develop thermoregulation of fluorometer (see Ben Lane)... Currently in California working for a biotech company...
Former Students (Washington University in St. Louis) (1):
Sona Shah... graduated Spring 1997... helped with cloning... San Diego - Organizzational Performance Executive.. linked in
.Collaborators (past and current):
Dr. Robert E. Thach: Former Dean of the Graduate College of Arts & Sciences, Washington University, St. Louis (past chair of the GRE board) (Wash U Emeritus page)
Dr. Pieter DeHaseth: Former Professor at Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH (homepage) linkedin
Dr. Desmond Kwan: John Carroll University (homepage) linkedin
Dr. Jim Lissemore: John Carroll University (homepage)
Dr. Tim Lohman: Washington University in St. Louis (homepage)
Dr. Mike Martin: John Carroll University (homepage) linkedin
Dr. Mark Waner: John Carroll University (homepage) linkedin
Dr. Chrystal D. Bruce: John Carroll University linkedin.
Dave Mascotti's e-mail., main page, and research interests page.
This page last updated on
August 7, 2024.