Factors Effecting β-diketone and β-ketoester Tautomerization and Deuterium Exchange Reactions

    This area of research was developed during my work here at JCU.  Work in these projects is done in collaboration with Dr. Mike Nichols at JCU.  This work grew out of performing the classic keto-enol tautomerization experiment in teh physical chemistry laboratory. Taking an observation of evidence of deuterium exchange processes happening in CD3OD solvent we developed a kinetics experiment that can be modeled with the classic consecutive first order (A→B→C) reaction kinetic relationships.    We are also interested in developing the understanding of the mechanism of this process and what that might tell us further about tautomerization in various systems.

Interested, want to know more?  Email me.


1.  2010    Nichols, M.A., Waner, M.J., Kinetic and Mechanistic Studies of the Deuterium Exchange in Classical Keto-Enol Tautomeric Equilibrium Reactions, J. Chem. Educ., 87 (9), 952–955 (DOI: 10.1021/ed100292r).

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